* New songs?
1. All-American Girl (Carrie Underwood, Ashley Gorley, Kelley Lovelace)
2. Alone Tonight* (Carrie Underwood, Michael James Ryan Busbee, Barry Dean)
3. Before I Fall To Far* (Carrie Underwood, Morgane Hayes, Christopher Alvin Stapleton)
4. Butterflies* (Carrie Underwood, Brett James, Mike Elizondo)
5. Can You Spare An Angel* (Carrie Underwood, Brett James, Steven McEwan)
6. Come Catch Me* (Carrie Underwood, Troy Verges, Barry Dean)
7. Cowboy Casanova* (Carrie Underwood, Brett James, Mike Elizondo)
8. Craz Dreams (Carrie Underwood, Troy Verges, Barry Dean)
9. Eighteen Inches* (Carrie Underwood, Ashley Glenn Gorley, Kelley Lovelace)
10. Everybody Cries* (Carrie Underwood, Steven McEwan, Craig Michael Wiseman)
11. Faith Hope Love* (Carrie Underwood, Brett James, Mike Elizondo)
12. Good Enough For Me* (Carrie Underwood, Hillary Lindsey, Luke Laird)
13. Goodbye Feels Like A Good Thing* (Carrie Underwood, Hillary Lindsey, Luke Laird)
14. He Rides Away* (Carrie Underwood, Brett James, Mike Elizondo)
15. I Ain't in Checotah Anymore (Carrie Underwood, Trey Bruce, Angelo)
16. I'll Be The DJ* (Carrie Underwood, Ashley Gorley, Kelley Lovelace)
17. I Only Want Everything* (Carrie Underwood, Barry Dean, Wendell Mobley)
18. I Was Gonna Love You* (Carrie Underwood, Troy Verges, Barry Dean)
19. If You Ever Admit To Love* (Carrie Underwood, Thomas C. Shapiro, Cathy Dennis)
20. Imaginary Friend* (Carrie Underwood,Brett James, Ashley Monroe)
21. Last Name (Carrie Underwood, Hillary Lindsey, Luke Laird)
22. Lie To Me Again* (Carrie Underwood, Ashley Monroe, Katrina Elam)
23. Little Red Flags* (Carrie Underwood, Luke Laird, Natalie Hemby)
24. Lord Help Me* (Carrie Underwood, Ashley Monroe, Katrina Elam)
25. Making Memories* (Carrie Underwood, David Hodges, Kara DioGuardi)
26. Mama's Song* (Carrie Underwood, Kara DioGuardi, Luke Laird, Martin Frederiksen)
27. My Favorite Part* (Carrie Underwood, Ashley Monroe, Katrina Elam)
28. Never Get Used To You* (Carrie Underwood, Steven McEwan, Hillary Lindsey)
29. Oklahoma Wind* (Carrie Underwood, Jon Randall, Bill Anderson)
30. Perfect World* (Carrie Underwood,Steven McEwan, Tom Douglas)
31. Play On* (Carrie Underwood, Luke Laird, Natalie Hemby)
32. Prove Me Wrong* (Carrie Underwood, Kara DioGuardi, David Hodges)
33. Same Old Song And Dance* (Carrie Underwood, Marv Green, Phillip Brian White)
34. So Small (Carrie Underwood, Hillary Lindsey, Luke Laird)
35. Starting Now* (Carrie Underwood, Barry Dean, Travis Meadows)
36. Sugarush* (Carrie Underwood, Ashley Monroe, Katrina Elam)
37. Sweet Talker* (Carrie Underwood, Troy Verges, Barry Dean)
38. That Don't Mean I Don't Miss You* (Carrie Underwood, Ashley Gorley, Kelley Lovelace)
39. That Girl Is Gone* (Carrie Underwood, Ashley Glenn Gorley, Kelley Lovelace)
40. This Song Is Not About You* (Carrie Underwood, Carrie Underwood, Marcus Hummon, James Darrell Scott)
41. To My Favorite Fan* (Carrie Underwood, Hillary Lindsey, Luke Laird)
42. Too Close To Home* (Carrie Underwood, Barry Dean, Troy Verges)
43. Too Young To Know* (Carrie Underwood, Hillary Lindsey, Luke Laird)
44. Truth Hurts* (Carrie Underwood,Hillary Lindsey, Steven McEwan)
45. Undo It* (Carrie Underwood, Kara DioGuardi, Luke Laird, Martin Frederiksen)
46. Waiting On Goodbye* (Carrie Underwood, Wendell Lee Mobley, Barry Dean)
47. What Am I Gonna Wear Friday Night* (Carrie Underwood, Marcus Hummon, James Darrell Scott)
48. What Else You Got* (Carrie Underwood,Marv Green, Steven McEwan)
49. Wine After Whiskey* (Carrie Underwood, David Berg, Thomas C. Shapiro)
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